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20 / 11 / 2020
TENCEL™ and VEOCEL™ brand drive the sustainability agenda in collaboration with the business community at Sustainable Brands Turkey 2020
20 / 11 / 2020
TENCEL™ and VEOCEL™ brand drive the sustainability agenda in collaboration with the business community at Sustainable Brands Turkey 2020

In order to remain competitive in the current environment, brands must continually adapt and evolve to meet the needs of the new generation of consumers. As such, the Sustainable Brands community has been collaborating with businesses and practitioners globally, bringing them together each year, to share insights and the latest developments in sustainable business. Lenzing’s TENCEL™ and VEOCEL™ brand experts attended the latest two-day virtual event in September: Sustainable Brands Turkey 2020, “Delivering the Good Life”. With nearly 3,000 attendees, the conference program was designed to transform brands holistically, around five key pillars: Brand purpose, brand impact, governance, operations and supply Chain. Since the emergence of COVID-19, brands are now in a unique position to innovate and emphasize the importance of sustainability to shape a more positive and eco-friendly future for all.

As major sponsors of the event, alongside other global-name brands, TENCEL™ and VEOCEL™ brand experts gave presentations to a collective audience of over a thousand people. On the opening day of the event, Jürgen Eizinger, Lenzing’s Vice President of Global Business Management Nonwovens, on behalf of the VEOCEL™ brand, spoke about the need for businesses to imagine a “better normal” post COVID-19, with their efforts in sustainability paving the way for a brighter future at the “Wet Wipes: Friend or Enemy for the Planet?” presentation. For the TENCEL™ brand, Harold Weghorst, Lenzing’s Vice President of Global Marketing and Branding, gave his “Sustainable Fashion Paradox” presentation on the second day, addressing the need for brands and consumer to do their part to protect our planet for the wellbeing of the next generation, by “choosing the right raw material, turning towards alternative and renewable energy resources, buying less and recycling more”.

Both the TENCEL™ and VEOCEL™ brand are proud to be part of the Sustainable Brands business community, working with like-minded professionals who put environmental and social purpose at the core of what they do. As consumer support shifts towards brands that care for, and protect the environment, as part of their everyday operations, it’s vital to be part of the conversation, sharing best practices, tools and resources to help us to continually transform in support of a sustainable future.

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