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28 / 06 / 2018
Lenzing Joined Forces with Industry Leaders to Make Fashion Circular at Copenhagen Fashion Summit
28 / 06 / 2018
Lenzing Joined Forces with Industry Leaders to Make Fashion Circular at Copenhagen Fashion Summit

Since 2009, Copenhagen Fashion Summit has been positioning itself as the world’s leading business event on sustainability in fashion. Lenzing joined 1,300 key players from 53 countries in May, to take part in a number of industry discussion sessions at the Copenhagen Fashion Summit to exchange thoughts around some of the most urgent environmental, social and ethical issues in the fashion industry. Convening major fashion industry decision makers, Lenzing also participated in dialogues conducted by Make Fashion Circular initiative to promote a thriving industry based on the principles of a circular economy.

This year, the Copenhagen Fashion Summit launched a new component, Innovation Forum, an exhibition space for sustainable solutions. Along with 50 exhibitors, who come from some of the most noteworthy sustainable solution providers in the fashion industry, Lenzing participated in the Future Fabrics Expo. During the Expo, Lenzing showcased the TENCEL™ brand and REFIBRA™ technology alongside several other responsibly-produced materials presented by “The Sustainable Angle”, a not for profit organization that initiates and supports projects which contribute to minimization of the environmental impact of the industry.

Andreas Dorner, Sylvia Happel and Oya Barlas Bingul from Commercial and Business Development at Lenzing leveraged the prominently located Lenzing stand as a platform to meet other Summit participants, including a number of Lenzing customers, who were interested in sustainable fabrics.

As always, the Summit presented an outstanding line-up of high-level keynote speakers. The Leadership Roundtables attracted many industry decision-makers, industry associations and government representatives for closed-door roundtable discussions and public-private dialogues on the most urgent environmental, social and ethical issues in the fashion industry.

For more information about Copenhagen Fashion Summit, please visit: https://copenhagenfashionsummi...

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