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10 / 11 / 2020
Amour Vert set the bar high with new eco-collection featuring LENZING™ ECOVERO™ Viscose fibers
10 / 11 / 2020
Amour Vert set the bar high with new eco-collection featuring LENZING™ ECOVERO™ Viscose fibers

Sustainable fashion brand, Amour Vert (meaning “Green Love” in French), has been a longstanding partner of the TENCEL™ brand, adopting TENCEL™ branded modal and lyocell fibers for its clothing lines. Now, we are delighted to announce in September 2020, they expanded their eco-friendly portfolio to include LENZING™ ECOVERO™ branded specialty viscose fibers in their new collection. Currently, 97% of Amour Vert’s products are made in California with dedication to sustainability throughout the supply chain, from sourcing to design and production. The TENCEL™ brand is proud to work with like-minded partners like Amour Vert who pride themselves on the highest environmental production standards, eliminating any excess waste for the good of the environment. Their dedication to the planet even stretches to the shipment of the garments, including the use of compostable protective bags made from recycled materials and soy-based inks.

Through the introduction of LENZING™ ECOVERO™ Specialty Viscose fibers for wovens as a replacement for Amour Vert’s silk collection is a great example of how the brand is leading the way in fashion sustainability with their water conservation efforts. Made from sustainably sourced wood pulp, LENZING™ECOVERO™ branded fibers requires 50% lower emissions and water impact than generic viscose, thus making it the perfect choice for eco-conscious brands.

Aylin Beyce, Design Director of Amour Vert, had this to say of the continued collaboration, “Since the beginning, we've been committed to choosing fabrics that intersect our values of sustainability with polished comfort. Our recent collections reflect this commitment with featured styles made from LENZING™ECOVERO™ branded fibers — allowing us to take the water savings further as it uses 50% less water in the manufacturing process. The result is ultra-versatile and elevated styles with a significant water savings benefit.”

Much like the TENCEL™ brand, Amour Vert‘s sustainable practices span each aspect of their business operations and consumers are made to feel part of the process through responsible purchasing. In fact, in collaboration with American Forest®, Amour Vert plant a tree for every tee that’s purchased coining their motto, “Tees = Trees”, offsetting their environmental impact whilst giving consumers a guilt-free shopping experience.

With more brands becoming eco-focused, the TENCEL™ brand is keen to partner with more environmentally conscious allies who can produce both stylish and sustainable products, without sacrificing on either front. Amour Vert is setting a great standard for the fashion industry and consumers alike and we are proud to be in partnership with them!

Photo Credit: Amour Vert

Photo Credit: Amour Vert

Photo Credit: Amour Vert

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